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Mozambique Team

Eduardo Mondlane University


Partner University

Patrício V. Langa
Patrício Langa

Co-Investigator, Mozambique | Eduardo Mondlane University

Patrício V. Langa is an Associate Professor of Sociology & Higher Education Studies at the University of the Western Cape (UWC), South Africa, and Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM), Mozambique.  He is a visiting Research Fellow at the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, Danube University Krems, Austria, and Universidade Autonoma de Lisboa, Portugal.  He is also the former Adviser of the UEM Rector for Strategic Planning.  Prof. Langa served as the National Executive Director of the HE Quality Council (CNAQ), Mozambique, and is the founding president of the Mozambican Sociological Association (AMS).  His research interest and publications are in the intersection between Sociology and Comparative Higher Education, Policy and Innovation Studies. 

Contact Patrício 

Adriano Félix holds
Adriano Félix

Research Associate | Lúrio University

Adriano Félix holds a Master's degree in Community Planning and Development from La Trobe University (Australia). He also holds degrees in Educational Sciences and in Educational Management and Leadership from the Catholic University of Mozambique (UCM) in Nampula. Currently, Adriano lecturers in urbanism at the Faculty of Architecture and Spatial Planning, and is the Director of Postgraduate and Extension Office (Rectorate), Manager of the Erasmus Mundus LaTFURE Project at UniLúrio, Executive Director and founding member of the Mozambican Association for Applied Studies (AMEA).  He is a Research Associate at Lúrio University and is the regional coordinator for Northern Mozambique on the Transforming Universities for a Changing Climate project. 

Contact Adriano 

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Ali Ahamed Puna Atumane

Research Associate | Catholic University of Mozambique

Ali Atumane currently works as a coordinator at CIGEA research center, Faculty of Economics & Management, Catholic University of Mozambique. His areas of interest are Sustainable Development related, mainly: Land use, Strategic Environment Assessment, Ecosystem Services, Green Economy, Spatial Data Infrastructure and Education for Sustainable Development. His publications cover the areas mentioned above.   Ali Atumane is finishing his PhD in Information Management (GIS & Environment) at NOVA IMS, New University of Lisbon, Portugal. He is Post graduate in Green Cities (HIS – Erasmus University, The Netherlands) and Strategic Environment Assessment (NIRAS, Chalmers & University of Gothenburg, Sweden). He holds a Master’s degree in Regional Development Planning, Catholic University of Mozambique.  He is a Research Associate at the Catholic University of Mozambique and is the regional coordinator for Central Mozambique on the Transforming Universities for a Changing Climate project. 

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Rosário Mananze

Research Associate | Eduardo Mondlane University 

Integrated Management: Environment, Social and Business Responsibility from the University of Concepcion, Chile, and is a former member of UNESCO (Education for Sustainable Development).  He has worked with secondary and primary school students on how they can contribute to protecting the environment at the level of their schools and families. His area of ​​interest is the impacts of climate change and population resilience strategies. 

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Quiséria da Luísa Francisco Toalha 

Research Assistant | Eduardo Mondlane University, Southern Mozambique

Quiséria da Luísa Francisco Toalha was born in the city of Maputo, capital of Mozambique. She has a degree in Anthropology by Eduardo Mondlane University. Quiséria is nterested in social research related to health, gender relations and education. She has contributed to the research project “Dengue, Water and Households”, funded by UNESCO-IHE Delft, researching dengue and malaria in Mozambique. She is currently is a Research Assistant in the Transforming Universities for a Changing Climate Project, and intends to pursue this theme for her future studies.

Amália Alexandre Uamusse

Country Advisor | Eduardo Mondlane University

Amália Alexandre Uamusse holds a PhD in Organic Chemistry (1999), from the University of Rostock, Federal Republic of Germany, a Master's Degree in Teaching Chemistry (1987), from the Higher Pedagogical Institute of Gustrow, Democratic Republic of Germany and a Bachelor of Teaching of Chemistry and Biology (1982), Faculty of Education, UEM. She is a professor and researcher at the Faculty of Sciences of UEM. She is an Associate Professor in Chemistry of Natural Products. She is a member of several socio-professional organizations, such as: Academy of Sciences of Mozambique, Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE), International Organization for Science and Technology (IOSTE) and Mozambican Forum of African Women Educators (FAWEMO). She was a member of the German Chemical Society (GDCH), the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) and the technical team for preparing in-service teacher training programs (PROFOPE), UEM-Ministry of Education. She collaborates with the National Commission for UNESCO in programs to promote girls' access to science and technology courses.

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Boaventura Chongo Cuamba

Country Advisor | Eduardo Mondlane University

Professor Boaventura Chongo Cuamba has graduated as BSc in Physics by the Eduardo Mondlane University in 1981, in Maputo, Mozambique, as “Diplomphysiker” (MSc in Physics) at the University of Jena in 1985, in Jena, Germany, having specialized in Solid State Physics, and a PhD in 1996 at the Northumbria University, in Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom, with specialisation in Renewable Energy Physics. The thematic of his Ph.D. dissertation is related to photovoltaics (PV) water pumping. He is employed by the Eduardo Mondlane University since 1982, where he is now Full Professor of Renewable Energy Physics, where he chairs a research group on renewable energy systems. His research interests include also the areas of analysis of climate change vulnerability, adaptation, and mitigation. He has written various papers, participated and presented communications in a number of national, regional and international conferences.

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