Indonesia Team

Tracey Yani Harjatanaya
Co-lead, Indonesia I Satya Terra Bhinneka University
Tracey Yani Harjatanaya serves as the Rector at Universitas Satya Terra Bhinneka in Medan, Indonesia. Her background is in education with specific interest in the areas of multicultural education, policy and development, curriculum development, and environmental education. She has led and participated in various independent academic and policy-making projects in the field of education and social policy. Alongside her academic role, she works on a consultancy basis, offering strategic advice and implementation framework in the field of education for governmental and non-governmental organisations. She has also been a Board member of Yayasan Ekosistem Lestari, a non-profit environmental organisation, focusing on conservation, environmental education, and community development since 2003.
Satya Terra Bhinneka University

Affiliate Institution

Dorothy Ferary
Co-lead, Indonesia I Satya Terra Bhinneka University
Dorothy Ferary is Vice Rector for Research, Community Engagement, and Collaboration at Satya Terra Bhinneka University, Indonesia. Her background is in development studies and her research interests are gender and development, decolonising and inclusive higher education (including integrating local wisdom in research, teaching, and community engagement), and language. She is also a part-time lecturer at University College London Institute of Education. She has conducted national-level research for the British Council Indonesia on higher education and the Indonesian Embassy in London for language learning. Before her academic career, she worked as Country Programme Manager for the International Award for Young People Indonesia, also known as the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Indonesia.

Rinrin Meilani Salim
Co-lead, Indonesia I Satya Terra Bhinneka University
Rinrin Meilani Salim is the Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs at Universitas satya Terra Bhinneka. Her background is in Computer Science, with specific interests in the field of analysis, design, development and evaluation of information systems. She has received some grants for research and community services and published a number of national academic journals in Information Systems. She served as a committee secretary for national competition in the field of information systems and received the best lecturer awards numerous times in her previous institution, demonstrating her professionalism and passion in teaching and learning.

Irfan L. Sarhindi
Co-lead, Indonesia I Satya Terra Bhinneka University
Irfan L Sarhindi is the head of quality assurance at Satya Terra Bhinneka University. He is also a Probationer Research Student (PRS) at the Department of Education, University of Oxford, affiliated with Lady Margaret Hall. His area of research is on the intersection between Islamic education, digital education, and identity. His research reflects his works for the last 13 years in the area of Islamic education and Islamic moderation campaigns. Since finishing his master's in 2016, Irfan has published three books, three academic articles, two book chapters, and more than 200 popular articles. Irfan has also presented at three international conferences, and guest lectured at a lecture series organised by Freie Universitat, Germany. In 2019, he established his podcast program known as Podcastren. In 2020, he was assigned as an aide to the President’s special staff. He has been acknowledged as a finalist of the British Council’s Future Leaders Connect (2017), an inspiring youth for “Panggung Indonesia 2045” TEMPO Institute (2018), and a winner of the UK Alumni Awards for Social Action (2021).