Fiji Team

Rosiana Lagi
Co-Investigator, Fiji | University of the South Pacific
Dr. Rosiana Kushila Lagi is a teacher by profession and an early career researcher who acquired her PhD in Education focused on the topic Na Bu: an exploratory study of Indigenous Knowledge of Climate Change and Education in Ovalau Fiji at the University of the South Pacific (USP) in 2015. Her interest in Indigenous Knowledge developed as she was growing up learning from her elders whose daily activities were dictated by the condition of their fenua environment. Currently, she is working with communities and teachers in Tuvalu on weaving in the Traditional Knowledge of Climate Change and best traditional practices in the school curriculum and community policies. In addition, she is working with the Foundation for Youth Development in researching and building capacity on lost traditional knowledge and skills of forecasting weather as well as mitigating and adapting to the environmental changes. Her other areas of interest include traditional approaches to research and teaching; Education for Sustainable Development and Climate Change; teacher education in the South Pacific, Human Development and Vernacular Education.

Filipe Veisa
Research Associate | University of the South Pacific
Filipe Veisa is currently the Postgraduate Student Officer for the Climate Change program at The University of the South Pacific (USP) and a researcher under the Food Security/ Climate Change/ Disaster Risk at the Pacific Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development, USP. He is a Research Associate for the Transforming Universities for a Changing Climate research project.

Apolosa Robaigau
Research Associate | University of the South Pacific
Apolosa Robaigau is an Environmental Science Graduate and a passionate Conservationist and Climate Change Adaptation Practitioner. He currently works for WWF South Pacific Programme Office. He is a well-known environmental advocate renowned for cooperating with colleagues and supervisors in terms of campaigning environmental issues. He is also a core member of youth group (Sawana Youth Group) that focuses on natural resources management projects in our community and a member of our village emergency committee.

Matereti Sarasau Sukanaivalu
Affiliate Researcher | Fiji National University
Mr. Matereti Sarasau Sukanaivalu has been a teaching practitioner for the past 28 years and currently a lecturer in Education with the College of Humanities and Education (CHE) at the Fiji National University (FNU). He is a Science graduate with Postgraduate qualifications in Business Administration. As a current HDR candidate at FNU, his research interests are in “Exploring teaching practices during a Crisis” with a special focus on Online teaching as a disruptive innovation. He is an advocate and champion for quality in learning and teaching at CHE for a transforming Fiji. He is an Affiliate Researcher for the Transforming Universities for a Changing Climate research project.

Lia Bogitini
Affiliate Researcher | Fiji National University
Lia Bogitini is currently an Assistant Lecturer in Environmental Science at the Fiji National University. As the College of Engineering, Science and Technology Sustainability Champion, she is an advocate for Sustainable Development practices within her College. She is also the Team Lead for the FNU Youth Statement to be integrated into the Global Statement for UNCOY16, which ensures youth voices for climate action are heard. Her areas of interest are endemic biodiversity conservation and integrated waste management. She is an Affiliate Researcher for the Transforming Universities for a Changing Climate research project.

Sailosi Dawai
Affiliate Researcher | Fiji National University
Sailosi Dawai is currently employed as Student Affairs Coordinator at The University of Fiji. He is a lawyer by Profession and has obtained his PostGrad qualifications in Law, International Relations and Diplomacy. He always had interest in climate change and wants to further it through this project. Sailosi is not only an observer of climate change issues, his community is deeply affected by global warming, changing weather patterns, erosion of coastlines and loss of soil fertility. He has actively supported and participated in many national and international climate change events.

Ledua Waqailiti
Affiliate Researcher | University of the South Pacific
Dr Ledua Waqailiti is a consultant for the University of the South Pacific. Previously she taught English Language in the Teacher Education programme at USP and her main expertise is in Literacy and Teacher Education. She has worked as a consultant since she left USP in 2021. She has been involved in the writing of ESD resource materials for Secondary school students and Tertiary students in the Pacific region under the IOE-USP, UNESCO & Japan Trust Fund. Her recent interests are in literacy perspectives from a traditional perspective and conducting writing workshops in rural communities so that they tell and write their own stories to enhance and transform teaching and learning in their communities.