Morocco Team

Karima Selmaoui
Affiliate Researcher | Ibn Tofail University
Karima Selmaoui is professor of biology at the Faculty of Science, Ibn Tofail University and the head of the International Relations Office at Ibn Tofail University. She has worked on several projects focusing on climate change, sustainable agriculture, and biocontrol. She is also the national contact point of Horizon Europe MSCA, Ersamus Mundus Project Action Green IT, Tempus Project Climadapt. Professor Selmaoui is the coordinator of various Erasmus Mundus projects (2), Tempus projects (25), Erasmus + K2 projects (15), and Erasmus + KA107 (31) mobility projects. She has also been part of different research and development projects, including: the 2017-2020 research project on phosphates AGR- DOI-01/2017 «Selection and use of Trichoderma spp to improve the efficiency of phosphates and fight against root rot of wheat in Morocco», the research project on hytosanitary situation of the strawberry crop in Morocco and search for alternative means of control: Production and formulation of a Biofungicide based on Trichoderma spp» in 2012-2015, and the Rhizolive research project on « Selection and use of rhizospheric microorganisms for the optimization of mycorrhization of the olive tree in Morocco» in 2011-2014. Her research interests include seed treatment, fruit treatment, and fungal biocontrol. She has supervised a number of master's and doctoral students on environment and climate change.

Soufian El Ghzizel
Affiliate Researcher | Ibn Tofail University
Soufian El Ghzizel obtained his Ph.d on Process and Environmental Engineering at the Faculty of Science, Ibn Tofail university. His work focuses mainly on Environment, Water Treatment, Wastewater and Industrial Effluent Treatment, Membrane Processes, and Desalination and Renewable Energy Coupling. In the field of education, he is currently teaching courses on Water Quality Standard, Environmental impact study and water treatment. He also teaches a Specialized university degree on Water engineering, a course on Physico-chemistry and Microbiology of water, and master's degree on water engineering at the Faculty of Science. He is also in charge of the environment platform at the University Center of Expertise Analysis, Technology Transfer and Incubation. He has published various papers in international journals in the fields of desalination. His latest work includes: Desalination in Morocco: Status and Prospects, Nanofiltration Process Combined with Electrochemical Disinfection for Drinking Water Production: Feasibility Study and Optimization, Brine Recycling Impact on Nitrate Removal and Electrochemical Disinfection Performances: A Case Study of Sidi Taibi Desalination Plant.

Hicham Jalte
Affiliate Researcher | Ibn Tofail University
Hicham Jalte is a Ph.D. candidate in the Advanced Materials and Process Engineering Laboratory, faculty of sciences, Ibn Tofail university. His work focuses on different axes including Environment, Water Treatment, Desalination, Wastewater and Industrial Effluent Treatment, Membrane Processes, Desalination and Renewable Energy. In the field of education, he provides practical work on water membrane treatment and water quality. He is also responsible for the elementary chemical analysis platform (SAA, ICP and FTIR). Hicham Jalte is currently working in the UIT University Center for Expertise, Analysis, Technology Transfer and Incubation. He has published various publications in international journals in the fields of desalination. His latest work includes: Nitrate Removal by Nanofiltration Powered by a Hybrid System of Renewable Energies (Solar and Wind): Technico-Economic Assessment, Demineralization of Underground Water by a Nanofiltration Plant Coupled with a Photovoltaic and Wind Energy System, and Autopsy of Nanofiltration Membrane of a Decentralized Demineralization Plant.

Kaoutar Chahbane
Affiliate Researcher | Ibn Tofail University
Kaoutar Chahbane is a doctoral candidate working on the Translation of Mediated Political Discourse. Her doctoral research explores the role and effect of translation on the reception of mediated politics. Kaoutar Chahbane holds an MA degree in Translation Technologies and Specialized Translation. She is currently working at the International Relation Office at Ibn Tofail University. Throughout her studies and work, she has been involved in different activities and projects in relation to the implementation of the different SDGs and quality assurance. Through her work, she is also interested in understanding the role universities have in creating equality and combating climate change. Her research interests include translation, media studies, politics, and education. She has also worked on issues of gender, cultural studies, and technology. Her recent studies and publications include Quality Assurance in Post Covid-19 Education, Media and ICTs Use in Morocco’s Higher Education, and The Effect of Translation on Mediated Learning.

Sarra Kitanou
Affiliate Researcher | Ibn Tofail University
Dr. Sarra Kitanou is Associate Professor at the National High School of Chimestry at Ibn Tofail University. She is a research chemist at Advanced Materials and Process Engineering Laboratory. Her research has been on Process Engineering and Environment. Her focus is wastewater treatment using membrane technologies, especially membrane bioreactor (MBR). The interest of these technology resides in their non-polluting appearance; their ease of automation and their ability to simultaneous elimination of different pollutants in a single treatment step. As a researcher applying environment perspectives, she has published widely in water research journals as well as wastewater treatment and environment journals. The research findings in her studies have also been discussed in many congress and conferences. Dr. Sarra Kitanou has also been speaker and lecturer in different conferences. She conducted different studies and development projects focusing on this field, among them that of the implementation of a wastewater treatment plant at the level Ibn Tofail University.
Ibn Tofail University,
Kenitra, Morocco

Affiliate Institution